I started out so good! Getting my homework done way in advance, keeping up with all my reading, maintaining a clean bedroom, working out at the beginning of my days... but that has all gone out the window.
My car of motivation has just about run out of gas and is just idling towards the end of the semester. I don't want it to be like this anymore. I feel like I am just living a half life and that I am being buried by the things that I keep putting off.
I am going to be better! I am going to get my butt back into gear. I was much happier at the beginning of the semester because it all felt so new and like anything could happen. I was doing everything that I was supposed to. I am going to get back to that.
The semester isn't over yet. There is still time to turn it around and open up many new possibilities. As I began writing this entry, it was merely as a way to gripe about how unmotivated I am. As I finish this entry, I am excited at the prospect of beginning again.
I just need to get back to what I was doing and those feelings will come back; the feelings that anything can happen. Because it can.