So there has been major drama this semester over me graduating. It started within the first couple weeks of the semester. I went in to the advising office, as I had for the past few semesters to ensure that I was on track for graduating at the end of this semester. Only this time I was told a different, less cheery, story. Apparently I still had a couple classes that I needed to take that every previous adviser had failed to mention. Awesome, right?
It turns out that I still had a class for my minor and for my major. To solve the issue with my minor, I dropped it and condensed it to a cluster(a half minor). I then had to pick up another cluster, luckily I had all those education classes from way back when I thought I had the chops to be a teacher(hahaha... yeah that would have never worked!). The major class was a different story, there appeared to be no way around having to stay another semester to take ONE class. I begged and pleaded and made my way to the head of our department's office and he took pity on me! He was able to swap the class out for another class that I am currently taking! He said, "Katie, I know you. I was just like you when I was your age. I liked to play a lot more than going to class too. Now, if I do this for you, you can't succumb to the nice spring weather, you need to go to class." Luckily for me, the weather hasn't been that great!
It seemed everything was back on track for graduation... until I went to see my adviser again today. Apparently, one of the classes for my education cluster had been pulled from my generals. Now my generals were incomplete. I just can't win! BYU-Idaho just doesn't want to say goodbye to me(and who could blame them!). I mentioned that I had already received my Associates degree so that my generals didn't really matter any more. The advisers and I had a good laugh about how I had found a loop hole that apparently no one had thought of before. I thought maybe I was in the clear until things turned serious and I was told that I needed to take another class.
"Seriously?!? Am I ever getting out of here?!?!" rang through my head as I sat there dumbstruck. Then I had another stroke of genius and suggested just revamping my education cluster. So... I had to make the treacherous up hill walk to the Hinckley building, 3rd floor, to the education advising center. I swear everyone in the advising centers know me really well, I see them almost on a weekly basis!
Once I arrived all huffing and puffing from over exertion, I had the delightful opportunity to explain my long confusing situation to someone else. I didn't have any more education classes to use for this cluster and was a little scared they would tell me that there wasn't anything that they could do, when the head adviser suggested I use one of my CIT classes in the cluster. What? CIT and ED classes together? Who would have thought? She just told me that I had to write a very convincing story of how the CIT class fit with the ED classes and how the combination of those classes would assist me in my career goals.
I had no idea how they were related but I just started writing and put my immense BS skills to work. When I finished, everyone was impressed with my awesome BS skills, as they should be! The head adviser immediately approved my cluster and I just had to take it down to the main advising office for them to approve it. So fingers crossed that they accept it! I was told that would accept it because they want to get students like me (super seniors) outta here! I will keep you all updated on the drama that is attempting to graduate from BYUI and just know that if this marvelous plan fails, I will channel Veronica Mars and uncover another unknown loop hole... hopefully one that does me some good!