Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I miss my friends...

Being one of last ones to graduate out of your group of friends is no bueno. It is so sad to be in the same place as they move on with their lives, meet new people and have fun without you. Don't get me wrong, I still have friends up here in Rexburg, but some of my bestest friends have graduated and left me over the past couple semesters. Stevie, Brooke, and Craig... I am talking about you! How dare you guys leave me here! You should have stayed so we could all enjoy another semester in one anothers presence!

I miss late night chats with Stevie back when we shared a room. We shared our hopes, dreams, aspirations and deepest fears. We used to play shadow puppets, she would hold her rubber duckie and my hand(snake) would gobble it right up! We always got the biggest kick out of that! I loved that I could corrupt her with my amazing music taste aka. Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana! (You are SO welcome Kyle! haha..) I miss all the times that we dressed up in crazy outfits and ran around town taking awesome pictures. Our foray into dating services will forever be ingrained in my mind... thanks a lot Brooke! Although our dates were AWESOME, somehow neither of them resulted in marriage... or even a second date! hahaha... I miss you Stevie and am sad that we didn't get to spend more time together your last semester.

Brooke I just love you! You are one of my best friends! I miss all of our slumber parties and random adventures. From going to the cemetery at 3 in the morning to celebrity stalking in Hollywood, we always had a blast. I loved all of our pranks that we attempted to pull on different people with varying success... hahaha. The most epic part of my last summer was when we pulled off the most amazing surprise visit! That was one of the funnest weeks of my life. I miss our paint/mud wars. Those will be some of my favorites memories from college. I miss our "Core Four" adventures staying up until the wee hours of the morning "making memories," as Mike would say. I miss you so much Brooke and wish you were still here with me! Either you move to San Jose or I move to Phoenix... we have to make this work!

Craig you were the light in my life! I miss our arguments over tv shows and movies (and your lack of taste in both!). I will always think of you and our midnight adventures whenever I pass a Denny's. It still kills me when you send me a text or facebook message saying "Dennys?" You know that I am always down! I miss our movie nights and chilling on the 70's porn couch. I miss our awesome game nights. I even miss you dragging me to happy holiday films, "Everybody's Fine"... really Craig? That was not happy in the slightest. I miss our random road trips to Utah, Pocatello and Arizona. I could always count on you to be up for a spur of the moment trip! Basically, I miss you and need you to come visit because I am having some serious Craig deficiencies.

Miss you guys tons! We legit need to have a reunion stat!


  1. Oh Kitty!!!! I stinking miss your guts. Don't find this creepy, but somehow Kyle and I seem to talk about you a lot. When every we talk about funny people you always come up! You just have a special personality that I just love. There is not a day that goes by that you could not make me laugh. I love how chill and easy going you are. You make life great!!! I am so glad for the friendship we have and although I have left Rexburg and got married I hope we can still keep our friendship and continue to make funny and unforgettable memories. Love ya Kitty Thanks for being such a great friend!!!

  2. I LOVE that you and Kyle talk about me! I am pretty funny, aren't I? hahaha... miss you and love you!
