Sunday, December 27, 2009

ANOTHER Slideshow? Really?

I awoke to the sound of my father's voice this morning. "Hey Katie, can you come help me?" I groan and roll over, hoping that it is just a dream. "Katie, I need help with my lesson." I begrudgingly extricate myself from the warmth of my bed. I walk into the kitchen, wiping sleep from my eyes, "What do you need me to do?" He asked me to make a presentation of pictures depicting Christ's life. He wanted it to be about 4 minutes in length.

Funny thing is, I had already created just such a presentation about 5 years ago. For my Laurel project I spent weeks gathering pictures and assembling them into a 4 minute presentation. I then prepared a fireside with several speakers and played my presentation. I suggested we just use the same one. Unfortunately, we could not find it.

I had to create the same presentation that had taken me several weeks in an hour. It went a lot quicker this time because I had a better program and I knew how to find pictures more quickly. I was able to pull it off! It turned out great! I kept teasing my Dad that I could have put any pictures in the slideshow as long as it had decent music he would never know. I told my Dad that the slideshow was full of pictures of me holding the "thumbs up" pose.

My Dad was very excited to have the presentation for his lesson. Sadly though, he didn't get to use it! The DVD player in the room we were in did not have a remote and we were unable to access the beautiful presentation. Also, he wasn't able to use the bulk of what he had planned for his lesson because of this DVD player debacle. He did pretty good despite this through the great input of his class. Also, he is just plain awesome... like me!

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