Tuesday, December 29, 2009

SEX has a Price Tag

Today is my mother's birthday. She is an amazing woman whom I revere. I could wax eloquent on her many virtues but my sister had beat me to the punch. Rather than compete with her beautiful words, I will let her blog post stand as a representative for what I would have written. (To see Kristi's post on our wonderful mother click here.)

Instead I would like to describe the entertaining evening that we had celebrating the day my Mom deigned it time to come down and live among us lowly humans. (haha... now she sounds like an alien or something... maybe she is... but that is another blog post all together) Our neighbor Sara-Lynn came over, as well as my aunt Amy and cousin Heather. We had several games to choose from. (and snacks! SO many snacks!) We settled on Encore. A game that Heather had brought over.

I was very skeptical of Encore at first. The basic gist of the game is to be able to sing at least 6 words of a song that has to do with the topic or contains a specific word. The first team to run out of songs loses. Now I have a VERY difficult time remembering tunes of songs if it isn't playing at the time or if there is any other noise... and remembering lyrics? haha... yeah right! So lets just say when it came down to the other team choosing a player from our team for the player vs. player section... I was likely to be chosen for my poor lyrical skills. As Heather so kindly put it, "We need to pick their worst player. KATIE!" Thanks a bunch Heather, you couldn't even pretend to have a difficult time choosing?

The game continued on, my team making up many new lyrics and even new songs! Kristi forgot it wasn't her teams turn and started singing a song that she had worked so hard to remember... poor, poor Kristi. My team held no sympathy for her and stole her song. (Cool dance moves included.) I must admit though, the highlight of this game for me was when we all burst out singing "I am Proud to be an American" at the top of our lungs. We even stood up and threw our arms up in the air and danced around. We all got the chorus down just fine... however were unable to remember the part with the word that we actually needed... haha... oh well.

I am not really sure how we got on the topic, but then we started talking about this video that my Mom had shown for a Youth Fireside. It is entitled "SEX has a Price Tag" featuring Pam Stenzel. So of course we then put it in and watched the whole hour long video. It was very informative, if not somewhat terrifying. You should have seen the faces of these kids. They looked an awful lot like this.

That Pam Stenzel really knows her stuff. Either that or she is a great horror writer. Most of what she was saying was enough to turn anyone off from sex. Seriously, I survived scary movie month with only a few lingering scares but this video will haunt me forever. Don't believe me? Watch it yourself. I love this video, Pam is pretty funny, but don't count on the comedy to lesson the horrors to be heard. Make sure to have your blankie and favorite stuffed animal close at hand- and your boyfriend FAR FAR AWAY!


  1. I hate Encore!! I played it last Christmas. My sister-in-law's family invited us over for a party and we played it. Her family all have beautiful voices, while my family is completely tone deaf. It was embarrassing.

  2. hahaha... we were all off key... so it worked for us!
