Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ian Will Pump YOU Up!

As per my New Years Resolution I have joined a gym here in Rexburg. I realize that we have a gym on campus for free but it is always super crowded and the machines aren't really top notch. So a couple of my roommates and I drove down the hill to World Gym and signed up! We have been going for a couple weeks now and I am really enjoying it. (As much as you CAN enjoy exercise anyway. Let's face it, nothing beats sitting on your butt all day watching TV and eating.)

As part of our package we receive two free training sessions. Yippee! So I scheduled a time to meet with the trainer, Ian. He guided my roommates and I on our weight loss goals and how best to achieve them. Told us what we should be doing everyday and what our ideal heart rate range is. He was so informative!

On my next meeting with Ian, he took me on a walk-through of the gym. This was very helpful because many of the machines just looked like a bunch of twisted metal torture devices. It turns out that they are twisted metal torture devices but at least I now know how to properly use each one! Enemies beware!

After each new machine that Ian showed me, he would turn to me with a big smile (as if he had created the machine or something) and say, "How do you feel about this machine?" What the heck? What do you want me to say? I hate all the machines. I didn't put on a bunch of weight because I love to workout! But after every machine I would say, "I love this machine, Ian. Thank you for introducing us. You will definitely be invited to the wedding." Well, not those words exactly... but trust me those are better!